Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thought of the day ^^


It's rainy day always ^^

This matter has been haunting me for the longest time of my life..each and every person in my life has been given me encouragement, advice and sort for me to break out from my comfort zone. I want to..but I've no confident..I'm scared. I want to be successful, I want to be somebody..I know I need to take the risk yet I felt so mind and my heart didn't work in synchronize. 

So, I guess I've shouldn't compare my life with others because it needs a great deal to become someone but I'm so afraid to deal with it..maybe one day I'll get my call to stand up and strive for it  ^__^"  

Hurm, I've came across with this quote recently, which I found it concluded my thought these days. Truthfully, I did comparing my life with others, and keep depressing myself by looking at how my friends can be successful in their lives. Please forgive me, Ya Allah..for thinking that way..  Can I be as successful as them? I looked at myself everyday in the mirror..saying that one day I will have my own glory, my own success and yet feeling absurd as the time passed.  

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